I've been performing a quiet, personal science experiment for the last couple of years that entails wearing certain colors on certain days. (Longer time readers and friends know I love a good science experiment.) It goes like this: the names associated with the days of the week are in alignment with certain planetary bodies. Meaning, when we say in English "Sunday" we are referring to the Sun. "Monday" is referring to the Moon. "Tuesday" is pointing to Mars, although the Latin based version of things, as in Martes, which is Spanish for Mars Day. And so on. If you consider it for a moment, we collectively align over and over in conversations, receipts, emails, court documents, news articles, so on and so forth in reference to the day. In fact, you probably see or hear the day of the week you're living on that day hundreds of times, reinforced over and over and over in multiple dimensions, like a mantra. As I've mentioned, each day of the week aligns with a celestial body but also a certain set of attributes and colors. I stumbled across the concept ages ago during one of my yogic-ayurvedic-study adventures and then a couple of years ago decided to give it a try for myself. What does it mean to align with the "energy" of a particular day of the week? Does it make a difference? What happens if I don't wear as much grey, black and brown? What happens if I wear the "wrong" color on a particular day? Do I even own all the colors in my clothing? Where do I even start with this science experiment? Are there other changes that I notice as I wear the colors, particularly as they pertain to the chakras? What if I charted my progress in a spreadsheet? Hm... I made myself a little chart based on my various research adventures: (Please note - these are my personal notes captured in chart form based on an amalgamation of LOTS of this stuff floating around in various reference materials. It's my personal version of things and the data set I'm using for my personal science experiment.)
Over the last two and a half years I have been wearing colors that correspond to the days of the week. And yes, over time I have noticed some shifts. If forced to articulate them, here they are:
May it be so.
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Image above and below are geometric demonstrations of the five petaled Rose of Venus from one of my reference books.
Sometimes you feel it in your bones when it's time. Like, it's time. Heck, between Sister Coronavirus, the widespread and long overdue civil and social disruption coupled with deep, deep self-inquiry at the individual and community level about systemic racism, 2020 has been a helluva year so far. And it's only June, folks. Good thing there's always a higher cosmological order to choose to align with. Venus (the planet) makes a fascinating and beautiful geometric Rose in the Sky over time alternating as the Morning Star and Evening Star, captivating star gazers around the world for centuries. If this is new to you, please know it's a measurable, scientific, fascinating and indisputable phenomenon with zero woo-woo factor. It works like this: from the perspective of astronomers who measure these things from Earth, the planet Venus makes a beautiful geometric rose shape shown above over the course of several years. The image you see here is a 32 years time lapse representation and the basic eight-year rose is similar, just less intricate. The astronomical numerology shakes out with five conjunctions of Earth and Venus (to create the the five petals) occurring every eight orbits of the Earth (to make one rose) around the Sun for every thirteen orbits of Venus. Now it's worth noting that these numbers and Sky Roses have been inter-generationally tracked across almost every culture for centuries and centuries. Furthermore the "energy" of this mysterious geometric Rose in the Sky has been associated with feminine divinity in the an indisputable cross-cultural way through the personification as Venus, Aphrodite, Innana, Ishtar, Mary and Mary Magdalene just to name a few. In addition, these energies are associated with the actual rose flower here on Earth because it mirrors the floral imprint in the heavens. Fascinating, right? But it makes sense too. And buyer beware: this is a whole rabbit hole you can go down if you wish. Search also carefully and with a discerning eye but know I am totally not making this up. To break this down a bit more, this geometric pattern of the five petals of the Rose of Venus are also reflected in phyllotaxis, or the arrangement of plant leaves on a stem, in the most mind-bending way. Phyllotaxis structures are based on the endlessly fascinating and ubiquitous Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... The series works by adding the two previous numbers to build the sequence. 1+1=2; 2+1=3; 3+2=5; 5+3=8; 8+5=13 and so on. The sequence shows up in everything from honeybees to pineapples and pinecones and the human body - life itself and is an almost-identical cousin to the math of the Golden Mean. The most common number in the sequence in flowering plants? Pentagonal forms or five petals. If the Rose in the Sky as the path of Venus is "as above" then the "so below" would be the rose itself, which manifests the Fibonacci series in its growth patterns. And, as stated, the five conjunctions of Earth and Venus (to create the the five petals) occur every eight orbits of the Earth (to make one rose) around the Sun for every thirteen orbits of Venus. 5, 8 and 13. Here's where the timing comes in - new Rose starts this very month. A New Rose, friends! All this said and examined, I'm choosing to start another science experiment for myself. What does it feel like and look like for me to line up with that higher celestial order at this time in human history? I feel inspired to re-order my creative projects as Aurah to land here in a fresh orientation that lines up with the transcendent order. A place where inspired projects and writing can rest in their completion phase as I (as Aurah) complete them. (And as I figure out what they are!) I have a ton of creativity running in my blood and several projects underway in various stages of process. (It's kind of like that phenomenon of having five or six books on the bedside table at one time.) I see that it's Time for a new Home for everything. Time to integrate and own myself as myself. Time to evolve. Time to use my gifts in service to whatever feels right and good to serve or speak about. And truth be told, I just flat out like to blog and so that will live on this website too as a reincarnated Field Notes blog. After all I've done this blogging exercise in various forms for literally decades. (For close friends, remember my old 2008-2012 Refresh Button blog?) So what should one expect here on the new Field Notes blog? Similar content to the Dispatches blog, I suppose. Time will tell. I remain open-minded because I don't know what I don't know about the next eight years as a new Rose unfurls in the Sky. Do you? In the end, I just know in my bones that it's Time. Like I said, it's Time for a lot of things. Time for me to chronicle, to document, to unpack, to explain, to share and to evolve. I do this for myself and anyone else interested in following along. I figure there's no better way to confidently stride forward in style for the next eight years as another Rose unfolds in the heavens. And hey, if we obliterate ourselves as a species, I'm weirdly comforted that the infinitely unfolding Rose will be just as Beautiful, with or without us. It's Nature's nature to Heal Herself. May it be so. |
DescriptionPeriodic updates and observations from Aurah in the Field. Archives
February 2025
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